one phone with telegram Telegram

as reply to They Doing

"Wagwan Capo. I know you the boss. But. I'm just sayin. Meeting at a public place like this? Ting doesn't sound so safe."

Chubbs smirked at Baka. Shook his head. "Nothing happening here. Just linking up before we talk more business." Chubbs made a sign with his right hand and a man from behind him came and gave Dave a pager and a folded sheet. "When this goes off, call the number my man just gave you."

Dave unfolded it and looked at the numbers.

"And make sure it's on 
. No SMS. No regular phone call."

Another man now came to replace the pager and sheet man. Handed a plain looking phone to Baka.

"This is the phone. It already has Telegram installed on it."

Baka looked at him. Was about to kiss his teeth but refrained.

Chubbs looked straight into his eyes. "Let's do this right now. Yeh?"

"Yeh, boss."

Keith paid attention the entire exchange. Still didn't know what was going on. But he saw what happened in front of him. Everything was in code so even though the actions were taken in plain sight, the meaning was obscured from him.

Once the other party left the parking lot of the McDonalds, Baka, Dave, and he walked back to the big bodied Suburban. the first thing the other party had done was taken their phones. Now the only device the three of htem had was this single one with Telegram on it.

"Fuck I guess we wont be able to track that broad no more innit?" Baka said.

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