is a great method of communication. You send off your message and you kind of forget about it. No waiting around to see if the other person checks it and replies right away. You just go about your day.
At least that's how I use it. Maybe you do sit around waiting for replies on email, but I don't do that. i'd rather go for a
or a walk or anything else more interesting.
Though when I fell in love with my last girlfriend I did actually sit around waiting for replies on email. But this was because we used email almost as a chat app.
This was before
had its own messenger app. Before
. Also she and I were on our laptops a ton so why not just use it to chat with each other.
I think that's about the time I stopped using Facebook actually. Up until then I'd scroll that feed nonstop. But once I began chatting with the girl I had a crush on all day via email the
News Feed
no longer interested me in the same way.
One time my friend was in town for a football game. We went out for a
and my favorite cafe. We didn't have that type of relationship where we'd go out for drinks, but we did love catching up in the daylight. Anyways he told me that my ability to not go on Facebook must be a superpower. Apparently he was constantly on it as well and he felt like it was an
, which was interesting because I'd recently begun to see
social media
being equated to things like
more and more. But it wasn't yet a total in vogue depiction just yet. So hearing it from my friend's mouth, on the other side of the coffee table intrigued me.
Anyways I said that I wasn't actually some ascetic for being able to resist the pull of throwing away half my day to social media, but I had my other buckets I poured my finite time into.
The solution to social media.
The only people who should be allowed to even have a social media account should be people who are in love. So that way, they never get addicted.