
gas as reply to To Space

Abraham Kim
Imogen Howe Toyota Prius gas electric vehicle
There were cars now that could get over 40 miles per gallon. Not hybrids. Just pure gas burning cars. Full sized ones too. The world was changing so fast. It blew  Imogen Howe 's mind.

Back when she was a kid, 30 miles per gallon was considered a lot. And that...

jack flees as reply to Not a bad idea

Abraham Kim
Hertz Toyota gas youtuber
Jack was feeling down. He needed a change. Life was suffocating. He thought about booking a flight, but he was not used to doing that. His assistnat took care of all things for him. She might book him a flight and keep it a secret from his girlfriend initially. But...

picking up the dad as reply to What If?

Abraham Kim
Baltimore Toyota Mitsubishi TV 007
Near  Baltimore was a concrete building. Sparse windows, three storeys, in the middle of a commercial park. When Derek saw it his older brother pointed it out. "Did you know that's a secret government building?"

Derek didn't believe. Although he liked the idea of it. So he asked for more details.


broken down in kansas as reply to Drive

Abraham Kim
Toyota Hyundai Kansas van Asians tow truck adventure Topeka credit card
It wasn't until Kansas that the  van finally broke down. It was only a matter of time. You can expect a later model Toyota or even a Hyundai to go all the way to the Pacific and back. Damn those Asians could really make cars couldn't they? But with these...

Shark Swim

SaaS Toyota consultancy SMB turnkey solution consultants
The 2010s feels like ages ago. Although counting the years, the number that has past is not so many.
I had still been in my 20s, barely, and the world felt a lot different. Especially mine.

I was still running a small software consultancy with one other owner, my business partner who...

Flash Fiction Practice

coffee Toyota Camry
During their drives, he spoke and she listened. It made sense this way. 

She never found ideas arise from within her. Sometimes he'd share something about himself, something sincere, and she would suddenly feel an urge to share something about herself. 

When she asked things about him she would reveal...