Daniel Miller @dealingwith


Daniel Miller last shared their writing

Daniel Miller wrote a private post

Daniel's Pantry
🍫 10 Chocolate Bars
🍍 18 Pineapples
🍵 10 Teas
🍓 11 Strawberries
🧇 11 Waffles
🥟 15 Dumplings
🥚 9 Eggs
🍣 13 Sushis
🥓 10 Bacons
🍪 11 Cookies
🥃 8 Whiskeys
🥩 11 Steaks
🍊 11 Tangerines
🍺 8 Beers
☕️ 4 Coffees

I'm fascinated by the different kind of messaging that resonates with people. I can feel that this kind of positive messaging is what you thrive off of. Same with  dealingwith  ...


> You become deaf to it, accept it.

Is it impossible to appreciate something without it always being in your palapable, deliberate attention?

This made me think of dealingwith for some...


Man okay sorry about that! I need to fix this bug this weekend. It already robbed  dealingwith of a post, but he re-wrote it and apparently it came out better......