William Liao @williamliao

Taiwanese American, daily blogger of ideas about impactful work in service of others, photographer (ephemera.photography)

William Liao last shared their writing spotting weeds
To be “lost in the weeds” is to be so caught up in minor detail as to completely miss the point.
Imagine two people getting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum.
One person spends this opportunity scanning the painting while admiring da Vinci’s creation;...
William's Pantry
🍺 40 Beers
🥟 46 Dumplings
🧇 29 Waffles
🍪 29 Cookies
🍵 49 Teas
🍣 38 Sushis
☕️ 38 Coffees
🍫 41 Chocolate Bars
🍍 36 Pineapples
🥓 36 Bacons
🥚 36 Eggs
🥩 26 Steaks
🍊 45 Tangerines
🍓 25 Strawberries
🥃 28 Whiskeys

Be kind

It’s possible to direct your focus towards the well-being of others, and in doing so cultivating a sense of fulfillment and happiness for yourself. 

This isn’t some woo-woo, new-agey take on life. This idea also passes the sniff test in the academic realm as well (here’s a great article with...
2021-06-04 20:53:22

Make a call (don't overthink it)

The only way to close the distance between where you are and the goals you have set, is to make a call on what actions you will take to propel you forward. 

To prevent overthinking and over-worrying about the process of making a call, try to remember the following: 

2021-06-03 22:27:19

Do differently, see differently

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” — Albert Einstein

Routines can be great — they provide order & sanity to our lives. 

On the other hand, because routines do such a good job of keeping our lives in order...
2021-06-02 21:33:33


Delight, noun: great pleasure. We all know what it’s like to be delighted: 

It’s the feeling you get when you receive a gift that you were not expecting, 

Or when a customer service representative not only solves your problem, but offers unexpected value like a discount code or...
2021-06-01 21:30:16

One thing

When you’re thinking about how to improve a certain aspect of your life — perhaps it’s a project you’re working on, a habit you’re trying to develop, or a relationship you’re wanting to grow — thinking about all the actions you can take can be overwhelming. 

Instead, just ask yourself:...
2021-06-01 01:00:56

Untitled Shared at May 31, 2021

The term ‘success’ alone is essentially a blank canvas waiting to be given meaning. 

It is only when you define what it means to succeed that you are able to reliably recognize whether or not you’re coming into contact with the goals & outcomes you care about.

An important way...
2021-05-30 23:05:47

No problem

In one of my favorite guided meditations by Sam Harris from the Waking Up app, he poses the following questions: “what if there were no problems to solve right now? How would it feel?”

If you spend a few moments thinking about these two questions, it’s possible to find yourself invoking...
2021-05-29 16:21:16

Failure and thriving

Even if you don’t get the job offer, you’ve gained valuable experience through the interview process. 

When your code doesn’t work, you improve your ability to debug when you fix it. 

Every time you try something and it does not go as expected, your understanding of how things work...
2021-05-28 21:35:40


A wrapped gift waiting to be unwrapped is somehow more delightful than an unwrapped one in plain view. 

Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference arguably wouldn’t be nearly as legendary if they didn’t end their presentations with one more thing. 

The most prized items some how shine just a little...
2021-05-28 00:16:55

What's the solvable problem?

Before you start thinking about solutions,

before you schedule a meeting, 

before you respond to an e-mail, 

before you check the next item off your to-do list, 

Ask yourself: 

What’s the solvable problem? 

This is an important question to ask because not all effort is created...
2021-05-26 21:36:59