William Liao @williamliao

Taiwanese American, daily blogger of ideas about impactful work in service of others, photographer (ephemera.photography)
Imagine two people getting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum.
One person spends this opportunity scanning the painting while admiring da Vinci’s creation;...
This is a nice piece williamliao ... solid advice
verse jumping William Liao but in a negative way
williamliao will you soon be working on any data viz stuff? Or do you still forsee much more time spent on analysis and programming?
- I didn't know. Maybe I should enter some competition and experience what that is like.
- never heard of Dual N-Back before. The paper is...
When i'm not traveling I'm similar for gas fillups. Actually even once a month! But reason my car has more miles than yours is because of the trips to Michigan...
your future self William Liao
that's a great technical explanation.
Straight to the mechanistic point similar to the explanation of why modern people get hooked on junk food "because evolutionarily we never had this...
Very recently
And you can listen to recordings.. Not sure if Clubhouse allowed that. They kind of forced you to have to be live didn't it?
I remember it like...