William Liao @williamliao

Taiwanese American, daily blogger of ideas about impactful work in service of others, photographer (ephemera.photography)

William Liao last shared their writing on Jan 14, 2023 spotting weeds
To be “lost in the weeds” is to be so caught up in minor detail as to completely miss the point.
Imagine two people getting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum.
One person spends this opportunity scanning the painting while admiring da Vinci’s creation;...
William's Pantry
🍺 40 Beers
🥟 46 Dumplings
🧇 29 Waffles
🍪 29 Cookies
🍵 49 Teas
🍣 38 Sushis
☕️ 38 Coffees
🍫 41 Chocolate Bars
🍍 36 Pineapples
🥓 36 Bacons
🥚 36 Eggs
🥩 26 Steaks
🍊 45 Tangerines
🍓 25 Strawberries
🥃 28 Whiskeys

Try before declaring anything

Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy when it comes to taking on challenges to foster growth: 

You might tell yourself that you’re not ready. 

You might tell yourself that you’re not capable. 

You might tell yourself that now isn’t a good time. 

You might consider...
May 5, 2021 9:24 PM

Progressive overload & adaptation

Every realization that you can do more than what was previously thought to be possible is the result of playing at the boundaries. 

Boundaries are simply what you currently know to be possible. 

Before Sifan Hassan’s record-breaking 4:12.33 mile in 2019, the boundary was Svetlana Masterkova’s 4:12.56 mile...
May 4, 2021 8:58 PM

False productivity signals

Productivity refers the effectiveness of your efforts.

Effectiveness can be framed in terms of how well your actions bring you closer to solving the problems you’re working on. 

It’s important to make a distinction between behaviors that make you feel productive vs. behaviors that actually are productive because on...
May 3, 2021 9:20 PM

Think Big, Work Small

Inspired by John Cutler’s writings on Think Big, Work Small: https://cutlefish.substack.com/p/tbm-452-think-big-work-small-part

It’s normal to want to visualize your goals in their loftiest and most exciting forms: 

A writer might look forward to their first novel.

A start-up with an encouraging business model might look forward to great financial success.

May 2, 2021 7:38 PM

You're probably luckier than you think

It’s important to be grateful.

The research supporting practicing gratitude is pretty compelling, but that’s not the main reason to be grateful. 

No, the main reason to be grateful is because there are likely many profound aspects of your existence that you’ve come to take for granted and stopped noticing....
May 1, 2021 7:20 PM

It's weird if things don't break

“[Space X] is a test program, we expect [the rockets] to explode. It’s weird if [the rockets] don’t explode, frankly. You have to run things close to the edge.” — Elon Musk It’s normal for things break or fail in the process of trying to produce great work. 

May 1, 2021 12:07 AM

Quality time

In a factory production line, time has a fixed value where a certain amount of time reliably guarantees a certain number of widgets produced. 

In work where knowledge is the primary capital (think engineers, designers, and writers), the relationship between time and output isn’t so straight forward. 

For example,...
Apr 29, 2021 10:04 PM

What's your story?

A few years ago someone opened their door into my car and made a dent about the size of a dime. 
It drove me nuts. 
Then one day I decided to see the dent an endearing dimple. 

It hasn’t bothered me since. 

Was that a strange perspective to...
Apr 28, 2021 8:31 PM

Healthy optimism

I had to be in 3 places at once today due to a variety of factors beyond my control.
It was a frustrating situation to be in, but thankfully I was able to figure out how to maintain these commitments with the generous help of family, friends and  colleagues. 
Apr 27, 2021 11:31 PM

The stretch

Resolving to run 1 extra mile more than what you comfortably did during your last run is the stretch. 

The piece of content that you produce on the day where you didn’t feel like writing at all is the stretch. 
The new and at times intimidating responsibilities that you take on at...
Apr 26, 2021 9:16 PM