Playing Chess

I have been playing a lot of chess. Kind of too much. But its a nice break, and also a way to play around. Try new openings to see how people play. The Queens Gambit for sure inspired this, but also this lockdown has really pushed me. Seems like you have to start enjoying more indoor activities, slow activities that you can return to every day, that make life enjoyable. A routine is a nice thing. Funnily though, the last game I played made me very excited for the future, despite my loss. I think there is hope in most problems you come across throughout your daily life. Sometimes things for sure suck, but other times when you think you're down you make it out. The board becomes so complicated during a game and pieces so connected to each other, overlapping, and protecting. But then all of a sudden you see a path to success,and usually through means you didn't expect. Sometimes it doesn't work, and in hindsight there was a better way, but because of this, it makes whatever problem you are trying to solve a bit more solvable. Maybe not now, but maybe you haven't read a book with information you need, or maybe calming down gives you time to see from their perspective.  Playing chess has taught me to take a pause when confronted with a problem. Just look at the board, no judgement. Then if you still can't think of anything just go for a walk, its just a game.  
For some reason, FB started showing me chess competition videos in my feed. I am fascinated with blitz chess and how they are able to play at such a high level.
2021-01-28 20:46:30
Who do you play with? Are you pretty good?

Lol Trisha just saw the ad for this show and scoffed saying is this supposed to inspire people to play chess??
2021-01-29 04:26:30
Perhaps I should add a word to clarify this catchphrase: "Who has time for READING fiction!!??"
2021-01-29 15:01:30
yeah speed chess is crazy! I play that more to practice openings. 
 I play online on Lichess! So many people. I think that has gone up since the movie. I grew up playing though, my dads friend taught me then I just got obsessed. lol But apparently after this show chess sets, and people playing online has gone way up!
2021-01-29 16:35:52
okay now you should only get one notification. : )

thought you were playing with
in real life or something. Or some other Cambridgians. I figured you would be pretty good. I think Chess works on a logic that you're well inclined for. I'm pretty bad at chess. 

In college there was a phase where I tried playing regularly to get good at it. But I never stuck with it because losing it frustrated me. I once lost to my friend Joel and I was so pissed at him when he smiled in glee lol

2021-01-30 20:02:04
i play Miriam and Johanness as well. But I think majority is online, because you can play whenever. Bill and I played once, but he needs to get better! 

What do you play?
2021-01-31 16:52:10
I don't know. I really haven't been playing games for a very long time. It's almost like the gamer self of me vanished once I entered college...

It began when I was a senior in high school. I just ended up convincing myself that games were a waste of time. I had this picture of myself as an interesting person and in my head interesting people didn't play video games. 

This was a silly ego driven stunt I pulled on myself as a teenager and yet its ripple effects still bounce off the coastside of today. Weird isn't it? 

Nowadays I just haven't been able to get into games. I find them interesting but I still can't get myself to pour like 40-50 hours into a game like I had before. If anything I get more excited about making my own game. Have I ever made my own game though? Nah. 

You play any other games? At the end of 2020 Trisha got into Stardew Valley and then poured like 100 hours into it. I got worried that she was going to turn into a gamer who played so much regularly. but then she had enough with it and isn't playing anymore. ha.
2021-01-31 17:00:09
 Other than a casual game on iPad, the only time I play is usually when friends are over. There are a few card games we like. One is very similar to Spades. 
2021-01-31 20:02:40