Brandon Wilson @therealbrandonwilson

Brandon Wilson last shared their writing PTO Donation
I saw a post on the website, which somehow floated to my SmartNews feed. First of all, writing a paragraph and then posting screenprints of comments from social media does not count as anything close to a news story. Nevertheless, since I have personal experience with the topic, I...
Brandon's Pantry
๐Ÿฃ 23 Sushis
๐Ÿง‡ 22 Waffles
๐ŸฅŸ 21 Dumplings
๐Ÿช 12 Cookies
๐Ÿฅš 29 Eggs
๐Ÿ“ 14 Strawberries
๐Ÿฅ“ 31 Bacons
๐Ÿบ 23 Beers
๐Ÿซ 22 Chocolate Bars
๐Ÿฅƒ 24 Whiskeys
โ˜•๏ธ 26 Coffees
๐Ÿฅฉ 20 Steaks
๐ŸŠ 22 Tangerines
๐Ÿต 26 Teas
๐Ÿ 18 Pineapples
Tiger VS Roger

You might enjoy theย  Tiger Woods documentary Brandon mentions inย  Tiger Woods Brandon Wilson ย 

It shows the near psychopathic, killer mentality infusing upbringing he went through to become who he...


hello therealbrandonwilson As long as they're "spinning their wheels" it's great, and if there's some joy to get out of writing then, that's a WIN, and you know what, that...


I agree with therealbrandonwilson and raise the ante to say it goes even beyondย  prenatal conditions of our mothers. because their condition while carrying are a result of their life...