jasonleow I love this method as well. Because I've not had much experience using it I often find that the answers I get from people are not 5 levels of...
Jason Leow @jasonleow
what does (sp) mean? That you're unsure of the spelling? I think that Teufel means Devil in German lol.
When I was an undergrad I liked the latter approach. Just...
jasonleow - yes, ultimately, each piece of writing would be a JSON object who's key values could ultimately be accessible somehow by the user.
good candidate.
what do writers do then? lol
on our call this week I'll tell you about pre-orthogonal categorization and how Stripe used ti to redesign their...
jasonleow deliberate practice is definitely part of it. The emphasis on volume is the idea that more work potentiates greater quantities of falling, learning, recovering. I see where you are...
jasonleow - it's already there when writing. No?
jasonleow in this case I think seun is highlighting that it's not about disappointment since it has nothing to do with the hero... and actually the big reveal is when...
jasonleow I would be starting from scratch on that topic but worth exploring.
williamliao I think it lies somewhere within intentionality. There may be ten designers in the same room who come up with essentially the same mvp workflow for an app let's...