The Blue Man returned out of nowhere. People had long forgotten about him. Dozens of dozens of other had replaced him since. And people were unhappy but willing to consume the content they produced. Because there just wasn't anything better to do in life.
Sometimes people might shoot up some or have or go eat a really greasy meal. But for the most part there was nothing left to achieve in except for watching people dancing and showing you neat gadgets on their phone.
"Mama said the future was going to be so bright," Carl told Lenny. "She said we ain't goin have to ever work. We can just stare at our phone and be creative all day."
"That's right you, bastard!' Lenny replied. "How do you like your life now, you punk?"
"I don't like it. I want to do something..."
"What? What?!"
"Something, creative."
There was about to be a revolution. The people were going to rise up. Find the datacenters of and destroy them so they no longer had to be enslaved to the endless stream of well curated content. But then The Blue Man appeared out of nowhere.
Sometimes people might shoot up some or have or go eat a really greasy meal. But for the most part there was nothing left to achieve in except for watching people dancing and showing you neat gadgets on their phone.
"Mama said the future was going to be so bright," Carl told Lenny. "She said we ain't goin have to ever work. We can just stare at our phone and be creative all day."
"That's right you, bastard!' Lenny replied. "How do you like your life now, you punk?"
"I don't like it. I want to do something..."
"What? What?!"
"Something, creative."
There was about to be a revolution. The people were going to rise up. Find the datacenters of and destroy them so they no longer had to be enslaved to the endless stream of well curated content. But then The Blue Man appeared out of nowhere.