The tests showed neither conclusive evidence for good or bad. Basically he wasn't going to die from it anytime soon. But the
s weren't willing to say that he would not die from it. He could still die from it. The numbers were still high. But they weren't so high that it was definitive that it would kills him.
At the burger spot he was trying to wolf down the greasy half pound of animal. His appetite wasn't present. A few teenagers were laughing. Chewing with their mouth open. They ate this junk every damn day and still looked healthy. Time hadn't caught up with them. Walter had once been like them. Now here he was. Wishing the doctors would know one direction or another. Was he going to die or fucking not?
Well of course he was going to die. Everybody was. Why were people okay with dying far off in the future? Why did they only panic about imminent pending
? Some psychologists hypothesized that people were in fact scared of the looming death. They managed that terror however by subscribing to things larger than themselves. Something to transcend their mortal flesh by. Walter looked down at the .4 pound left of animal on his plate. He felt silly taking it togo. But he couldn't bring himself to throw away
Instead he forced himself to scarf the saucy beef and moist bread. Scarfed it down as fast as possible. Almost choked. A few of the teenagers glanced over his way and made a look. Some combination of disgust and laughter. Like they had heard a funny joke while getting a whiff of shit.
How hilarious would it be if he died there. In that
spot? Choking. He thought of that one man. In the past. He'd gotten stabbed or something in a diner. This was back when The Blue Man was a real man. The biggest star on the internet. In the world. This was before he choked that girl out. It was so long ago. The world had changed so much since then.
In the car he waited for the RPMs to descend. It was an old car that always struggled to start. Like a normal car might on a cold day. But his car did that no matter the temperature. After a minute the engine would cool. He was about to head to the office when the phone rang.
"Where are you?"
"Doctor's appointment. What's up."
"You should get back here as soon as you can. If you're able that is."