dick and jimmy deadline

as reply to Tall Boys

He was hungover. But it was a good day. The project had been completed and turned in on time. This meant he didn't need to worry about
s for another month. Finals week. That would be hell. But didn't need to worry about that now. The rest of this week Dick would coast. Skip a few classes even maybe. Depending on what was going on.

Well even if nothing was going on, there would be Jimmy. Jimmy was coming down to visit more. He had stopped going to classes midway into the semester. Said he was going to take the semester off. Actually an entire year. His parents still had no clue. His plan was to bounce around college towns. Visit different friends. Dick happened to be the friend he was visiting that given week.

"You know I don't mind sleeping on an air mattress. A lot of people they complain. But I think I could sleep on one for the long haul."

"Is that your way of saying you're going to be staying here awhile?"

"Maybe. Depends on how things go. How much fun I have. You gotta go to class today?"

"I could skip. You got anything in mind?"

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