Few minutes into the
, he grew bored. Why was this show that was painstakingly produced less interesting then bits of information he surfed on the internet? House prices. Someone else's dinner or vacation. A random thought someone tweeted.
Godot quickly came up with an explanation. It was because shows were no longer produced with a love for the art. It was only about the money now.
But that explanation felt too vapid. So he made another one. That looking at information on the internet provided the feeling of anticipation. Godot would anticipate himself eating a nice dinner. Or having a new girlfriend. Or moving into that nice house and starting a family. Anticipation. Anticipation. Anticipation.
He surfed the net. Scrolled through endless screens trying to find that bit of
that would satisfy him in that given moment. What the hell did he used to do before he was glued to his phone? It hadn't been that long ago in the grand span of history. He had even gone to school at a time when having a
was considered cutting edge. An optional device that the more boujee students could afford would buy.
Nowadays the kids came to school strapped with a laptop more powerful than what his Alienware gaming machine and a smart phone. Everybody was connected. Digitally at least.
By this time Godot and everybody else knew that a digital connection did not translate into the other type of connection. He wondered what that other type of connection was. Initially he thought 'real'. But that seemed like a cop out answer. Too easy. Godot hated easy answers. Maybe that show telling of his age. He came from a time when answers weren't easy. If you had a question you had to hope you knew someone who knew the answer. Or you would have to be motivated enough to head to the
and get a book. Maybe even talk to a librarian who would help you track down a book.
It wouldn't even be 'the' book with all your answers. It might send you down a rabbit hole. But when you went down a research rabbit hole within the confines of the physical aisles of the library, for some reason it didn't feel guilty. Godot got up from his bed. He couldn't sleep. Realized that the library was back to it's 24/7 schedule since the students had moved in. It was a eight minute walk away. He brushed his teeth, gargaled and left his apartment.