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When she got up she felt like she was somewhere else, like on another planet. She couldn't believe what has happened, but also her mind didn't want her to remember it was just blank. 

Her mom used to tell her "If you don't know what to do get the vacuum out and clean up, you'll always feel better after.".

So she tried this. She tried rearranging her room, and she tried taking a bath, but nothing got her out of a funk. 

She just wanted to sleep maybe. 

A call came, her heart raced it was just Kevin. 

"What'd they say?" Elena said. 

"Not much, I mean they can't do much, they went to the house too, but like they said it wasn't that weird, like the guy just came here, so why maybe thats just how he lives his life. I don't know they just kept saying its weird."

"What's weird?"

"Like theres just no record of him. Like I get it I don't really want to be on facebook, but theres like pictures of me and shit online. This guys got nothing."

"What about that picture? Maybe the kid?"

"Yeah or that blue paint, like what could we do?"

Now Elena was playing with one of her hair ties and she got distracted. Drifted off, then came back.

"Okay. Yeah. Idk. Well. I'll see you later Kevin."

"Yeah, yep. You too."

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