There was an open door. Leading to a darkness. The only light a reading lamp. In there was a 5 x 7 picture of a kid staring blankly into the camera.
There was an open can of
paint with the softest brush Elena had ever seen. Horse hair she imagined the bristles.
The can was mostly full. Hardly any of the paint had been used. There were some blue specks on the hardwoood floor. The patterns of the specks spoke to Elena. She could visualize a mad man running away. From what? That's what she imagined. Something big. Something unescapable she thought.
She rolled in bed. Imagined what Marc could be running from. Wondered whether Kevin could be right.
"There's no photos of him online."
That couldn't be true, Elena thought. there must be photos somewhere online. They just couldn't link it back to this name. Marc Love.