The only person at
who enjoyed listening to Stephen was Marc.
Now he was gone. Nobody was there to listen to Stephen. But the funny thing was... Stephen wasn't talking anymore. Said no more than the average customer. Paid. Left.
Another funny thing. He had stopped coming in as much as he used to. Before he used to come in everyday. Some days even twice.
And the kicker ontop of all this, Elena thought as she sucked on the tip of the pen through the side of her mouth. The real strange thing was... Stephen stopped coming in so often just around the time when Marc disappeared.
It had been months since Marc vanished. And just now Elena was able to make the connection between Stephen's sudden change. It had been something Kevin said that made her realize.
"Stephen doesn't talk as much as he used to does he?"
"No. Thank god rigth?"
"Yeah. But I kind of miss the old Stephen you know? Reminds me of the old days. Back when Marc was still here."
Elena wasn't delusional. This could just be
. Probably just was coincidence. There had been four dozen strings she had tracked and chased since she began working this case. All had led to nowhere. So this was likely to lead to nowhere as well.
But it was something to chase. Someplace to put her focus. The hunt wasn't over.
Her next step of action was finding out Stephen's address. This would mean breaking the rules. Looking up Stephen's profile in the Bloomingfoods database.