the british couple McDonalds Spacecity British

as reply to So Happy

They spoke in English accents.

There might be a bug he said.

They had to throw them off. Anyway they could.

At the 
they still spoke with the accents. Just in case the bug was in their phones. Or some other smaller thing on their clothes. Something they couldn't even see. They had to be on point the entire time.

"would you like to hit hte road again, love?"

Keith was surprised. "I thought you wanted to relax awhile. I'm surprised you want to get going so soon."

She had been so happy to get out of the car and pratically ran into the Mcdonalds. Keith had thought this was a sign that she did think she was being kidnapped. He was half expecting her to go scream at the person at the counter, "HELP. I'M BEING KIDNAPPED."

Instead they ordered McFlurry's. No food. Keith got himself a coffee as well. The coffee was decent at the McDonalds. He didn't care what other people thought. Even better than 
he thought to himself.

Back at the car he didn't know which direction to head. He couldn't ask his 'wife' outright. In case they were listening. They would think it strange that this couple had no idea where they were heading next. But Imogen saved the awkard silence, "Let's drive east a bit more, love."


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