Stuck in his head. An ear worm. Funny that it was this motel jingle.
He thought about what to do. Sat on the chair near the other window, away from the bed. Glanced to make sure she was still asleep. She was. Went back to staring out into the sea.
Keith would tell her the truth. There was no point in hiding it anymore. If she was a spy for the Blue Group, it didn't matter. If their relationship was fake, better to reveal it now.
Where would he begin his story? People always wanted to know. Why go up to space in the first place?
So he'd begin with the why. His story. His town. He had his own town too just like Imogen. A place he had gone to school. Gotten into his first fight. Fell in love for the first time.
He touched his ear lobe. He had gotten his ears pierced as soon as he could. How dumb had that been. Back at home. To show his parents who was boss. That hole had closed up so many years ago. He hadn't thought about that in decades.