The first year some classmates would crack a joke about it. She would be a good sport and play around. By the second year people stopped making jokes. She didn't know if it was because they pitied her or if they had forgotten about the award.
She never felt truly stuck until classmates began graduating from college. That's when she began wondering, how did she end up here? How was she still in town?
There had been that one winter. When Alan had come to stay for winter break. With him came Jack and Aaron. It was a magical winter. Imogen felt truly alive.
And that's how she met Alan for the second time. He had been around in high school but they hardly spoke. Alan ended up moving back to town. They became a thing. And then they got married.
Keith wanted to know more, but Imogen wouldn't say. She was laying in bed. Keith was bringing her cups of tea.
"Enough talking. I just want you to hum for me now. I want to stare out the window. Lay here. And just stare at the sea."
Keith smiled.
"Can we do that?"
"You promise?"