not planned Seaside Rest gas

as reply to Hotel Guy

The kid wiped his face and neck. Over and over. But he remained drenched in his own salty water.

He reached for the powerade, but hte bottle was empty. Damn nothing to drink in the car.

How long were they going to drive? The time said they'd only been driving about five minutes now. But they already felt so far from teh 
Seaside Rest
. The shootout and the charred smell of blood in that hotel room felt like such a long time ago. Now, this present inside this truck, the bodies rumbling around in the back. That was all the kid knew anymore.

He knew his life would be different from now on. There was no going back to before.

His ears still rung. Like his first rock concert when he had been standing right in front and below the speakers. The music was so insanely loud that he couldn't make out the singer's lyrics.

They drove steady but it felt like a high speed chase. The Kid felt the rumbling of the bodies whenever they hit against a side of the trunk. Vibrations that he felt to the bone. "Ouch" he would think.

Where the hell was Danny and Blayne taking them? What if they got pulled over? Surely somebody at the Seaside heard the guns and called the police? How would they explain this? They could tell that they were the good guys. Just shooting in self defense...

All this thinking. It made it hard for the kid to drive. He snapped back into focus. Suddenly the brightness of the day peered into his eyes. He missed his girlfriend. this job had just been for that. To be able to afford the 
 to go visit her. He was supposed to check guests in and answer questions. He was never supposed to hold a gun and drive around hostages. This was definitely not planned.
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