the kid is worried

as reply to Just Wait

The next morning felt like a Stephen King novel. White mist so thick you could barely see more than ten yards in front of you. He thought about his football coach. The running back one. "YOU DON'T NEED TO SEE ANY FURTHER THAN FIVE YARDS IN FRONT OF YOU WHEN YOU RUNNING THE BALL!"

He drove slow to work. He kind of never wanted to arrive actually. He was hoping it would just be Blayne at work. Hoped that Danny would stay... wherever it was Danny stayed. He still didn't know what Danny did actually. He didn't want to know or think about it. Here he was thinking about it while driving. Shit was Danny a hitman?

That didn't make sense. There weren't enough hits to do in this town. Maybe Danny was just some guy who worked down in the docks. Maybe the rumors were false?

After smoking his cigarette he had gone upstairs again. Walked slowly by the door to try and hear if the person was indeed talking about Danny. He did this not because he was trying to bust the guy, but because he wanted to say "i did my due dilligence." if Danny ever found out that one of the guests were looking for him.

The Kid hoped and expected it all to be in his head. "Come on Danny." is what he had heard outside, but that could've been anything. The guy could've been watching sports and rooting for someone named Danny. Or something else. Anything really.

But he had heard it. He was talking about a Danny Calruso.

'Who is this Danny Calruso." the voice had said through the door. God dammit, why did the guy have to say his full name like that. Now The Kid had to tell Blayne and Danny. Now the guy in the room was fucked. Just like the people they had shot and thrown into the ocean.

When The Kid arrived at the parking lot Blayne appeared out of the mist. "Good morning," he said.

"Morning." The Kid said, hoping not too loud and not too surprised.

"Misty day."

"Yeah. Ain't it? Say, is Danny here today?"

Blanye looked at him. Really looked at him now. Before he was just there saying hello. "No. Why would he be?"

"Oh. Just wondering. He's been around a lot so you know?"

"No. He's got to be down at the docks today."

Replies to the kid is worried
