It was raining then at the , the weather had took a turn. had to tell a woman at the door that it sometimes does this.
"Everything will be right in the morning." she told her, and tried to light her cigarette.
The wind blew it the flame this way and that, but it finally lit.
"Thank you, uh the names Suzy." She said.
"Imogen." She said, and took a small drag from her cigarette.
"We were so excited, this is almost the first trip we've taken since the kids have left the house. And we've always wanted to go out west. Were uh from the midwest, so its almost there." The woman said, and let a laugh.
"Where from?" Imogen asked. Halfway done with her cigarette, when she put it out she always had an excuse to leave ready to go.
", well I shouldn't say that, near that in small town, " She said.
Imogen froze for a second, and weighed two options. One was to tell her where she was from. Another was to just nod. If the lady knew where she was from there would be too many questions.
"Was it a far drive then?"
"I felt like it, Paul did most of the driving, my husband. And you know to be honest it wasn't so bad, but we were just bored. I don't know its like we just rain out of things to talk about you."
She took a puff on her cigarette.
"That ever happen to you?"
"Everything will be right in the morning." she told her, and tried to light her cigarette.
The wind blew it the flame this way and that, but it finally lit.
"Thank you, uh the names Suzy." She said.
"Imogen." She said, and took a small drag from her cigarette.
"We were so excited, this is almost the first trip we've taken since the kids have left the house. And we've always wanted to go out west. Were uh from the midwest, so its almost there." The woman said, and let a laugh.
"Where from?" Imogen asked. Halfway done with her cigarette, when she put it out she always had an excuse to leave ready to go.
", well I shouldn't say that, near that in small town, " She said.
Imogen froze for a second, and weighed two options. One was to tell her where she was from. Another was to just nod. If the lady knew where she was from there would be too many questions.
"Was it a far drive then?"
"I felt like it, Paul did most of the driving, my husband. And you know to be honest it wasn't so bad, but we were just bored. I don't know its like we just rain out of things to talk about you."
She took a puff on her cigarette.
"That ever happen to you?"