Marc Love walked into the bar. It was dark inside. Dark outside too. It was dark everywhre. He was sleeping in more. His schedule shifted. He wasn't aimless. He had come here searching for the man he used to have a telephatic connection to.
He didn't know much about him. Just that he was buff and somewhat famous. But he couldn't remember a name. He kept looking online because he thought that the other man was some sort of celbrity. Not in the old school way like Brad Pitt, but more like the new wave of influencers.
But Love didn't know what to search to find the guy. He was buff... but what did that mean? what words would he use to find the guy. Love didn't look at the things online that would lead to the algorithm suggesting the other man.
He had found himself instead in
. Didnt know why. Came here and began walking around at night. He'd run into some of the same people over and over again. One of the regulars he had even stopped by and had a cigarette with. He had a funny name. Pegasus. Love wondered whether that was his name given at birth or a nickname adopted over time.
In the bar the crowd was thin. Too late for there to be that many people out. Just the folks who didn't want to go backc home. Wanted to extend the night.
Love ordered a gin and sipped it slow. Paid in
. Never opened a tab. That allowed him to leave whenver he wanted. That's the way he rolled.