As the night went on fewer things were open. The lights were still on all over the city though. Pegasus knew he should go back home right after getting the ounce from Gus. But Gus lived a bit out of the way. Plus he knew if he went home with all this weed he would smoke at least one bowl. Probably get stuck there doing nothing.
He was unemployed. Didn't go to school. but he liked to try to keep busy other ways. Like walking around the city at night.
So after Gus' he stepped into a sports bar. He sat at the bar and ordered a few whiskeys. The entire time he padded his coat pocket where the ounce was. Making sure it was still there.
He was actually craving some
. But he knew once he began drinking beer, he would crave the
too much. End up heading back to the apartment and getting too high.
One time he had gotten so high that he ended up sleeping for 16 hours. When he woke up it was already dark outside. He didn't have the motivation to go outside and take his night walk so instead he ordered food in and just smoked some more.
That was the kind of routine Pegasus was trying to avoid. That's why he ordered