don't mess with her

as reply to Watch It

The old lady was once young. Drank a lot of Jim Beam herself back in her day. The youth could never imagine that. How the old people had once been young. Some of them knew that. Very few really knew they would be old one day. To them it was as if the old people had arrived into this world old. And if you were young, that's just how you would stay forever.

that's what made them naive, the old lady thought. Old people didn't think and live the way they did because they were stupid and crazy. They had become this way because they had been alive for so long. There had once been a time when they had also thought the old people, back then, now dead, were crazy.

The old lady was watching that bottle of Jim Beam. She glanced over and down at the young adult girl walking over to the laundromat. She was checking her phone, probably because she didn't know which building was the laundromat. Didn't seem like she was from around here. The Old Lady snickered. She would crack open the bottle. Take some sips. And then that hussy wouldn't think she was a dumb old fool. She would learn her lesson. Don't mess with her.
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