The man in the red convertible was driving down to get some cigarettes when he saw the young man. He was walking with a girl to the convenience store. Or actually no. They walked passed it. And they were heading into the pizza shop next door.
The man had left the guy alone after that one enounter. He had seen the fear in his eyes as he held the pistol in his mouth. He had learned it from the film Fight Club. In it Brad pitt's character did the same exact thing. In the film the kid had already quit medical school, but the details were similar enough to what he went through with this kid named John. Or was it Johnny? He couldn't remember. He had heard the old senile man say it. "Make sure Johnny stays in med school. Make sure he focuses on studying." He had responded to the old senile man. "Okay I will."
The only thing he could use was what he was familiar with. He lacked the gift of gab like some of the regulars at Rust bar who could be found drinking wine or bourbon already on a weekday before 2 in the afternoon. The only thing the man in the red convertible knew how to use were his fists and his pistol. He wasn't going to beat the kid up, so he used the gun instead.
He couldn't be so sure whether the kid was studying or not. He had to just trust... or not trust. Get a good read on him. See how he walked in the street. See how he responded when he saw his car rolling by. The man in the convertible could tell that the kid had shaped up. He was different now. In the past he would've taken him being out grabbing pizza this late as a red flag. But given that he was probably studying hard, he probably deserved a break. Plus that girl was kind of cute. Maybe they liked each other. The man in the red convertible smiled as he drove past
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