When does water become blood? When does blood become urine? Urine, water? Water, blood?
When does flesh become chime? Chime molecules? Molecules brain? Brain thoughts?
When does
become feeling? When does feeling become hunger? Hunger become action?
When does a moment become a thought? A thought a memory? A memory a fantasy?
I think it's incredibly fascinating how everything is entangled in a way where one thing can become something, anything else, with enough membranes and diffusions. It also made me think of an old tyme scenario where people live along a river, constantly fighting over who gets the most upstream position. Because when you drink from a river shared by many, when does that water become wastewater?
There are blurred lines everywhere you look. Everything exists in relation to something else, in nature entire ecosystems rely on a specie of insects (bees) or entire forests rely on mycelium. We are so used to see things everywhere we look when in reality it's just relations and flows of informations everywhere.