I am not dodging responses! just been stressed planning for trip and herding cats. will respond to all outstanding messages shortly. Sorry to hear about friend, hope you’re doing well man. will need to catch-up-gift chat soon!
Herding cats is no joke though. They go here and there and they go where they please when they please. It's a tough job, I kid you not, and I grew up in hard working
midwestern family so you can believe me on that.
Anyways, I was sipping some
while thinking about my next moves and I was filled with depression when I realized that I was considering the same 'next moves' as I had been five years ago. I swigged more beer, stopping myself a bit short so that I would have two more swigs left rather than just one. Five years. What had happened during that time?
A lot on paper. Got a house. Promotions. New gadgets. Picked up some hobbies. But from an internal audit I was kind of empty. Maybe this is why I took this vacation. Though I was beginning to realize that vacations didn't do much for me these days either. I mean they are fun and all don't get me wrong. But it's not the thing that's going to make my life.
But what will make my life? I looked down at my empty beer. I finished it and ordered another. I knew beer wouldn't make my life.