Untitled Shared at Sep 12, 2021 Jeannie Hammond

On Tuesday I had 14 unread text messages. I didn't go on a phone sabbatical or anything. But on Saturday
Jeannie Hammond
broke my heart and I haven't responded to anything from her since. 

I told Meghan about this in the form of a question where I asked if she'd ever had her heart broken.

"Yes. Wait did somebody break yours? Who is it? I'll break their neck for you."

I hadn't known Meghan long, but her reply made me feel close to her. Reading her words on my phone also made me feel better. I read them over and over again, and each time I opened up my phone to read Meghan's messages I desperately zipped past all the ones from Jeannie.

Jeannie acted like nothing happened. By Monday night after I hadn't responded to anything all weekend she started asking "wtf is wrong?"

And then came the stream of messages.  The plan was to ignore all her messages. Wall of silence. But I didn't know what I wanted. What was this plan anyway? I left off this part about my silent treatment to Meghan who probably would be less sympathetic to my situation if she knew I was being stubborn. 

"You want to talk about it? We could call."


Yes don't respond to Jeannie. She should apologize first.
2021-09-12 03:09:05
Haha you are believing too much the perspective of the narrator! what if jeannie didn't do anything?
2021-09-12 16:36:29
I equate the narrator with Sir Abe. I side with him regardless. Jeannie has to apologize or we are abandoning her for the future episodes. 
2021-09-12 20:25:55
I believe that is a common thing readers do with fiction. they equate the protagonist to writer.

however how would you feel in this case if I told you that I placed myself more into Jeannie?
2021-09-18 23:18:37
No I refuse to think about that scenario. My mind will not let me. 
2021-09-19 00:50:27
Haha this is one of the things I love about you. I feel like not believing in the bad things about a person can actually drive that person to stop believing those things about themsleves.
2021-09-19 17:34:18

Flash Fiction Practice