At some point, it's time to stop listening to advice

One of the reasons I am not fond of the Church of Twitter is all the Naval (AKA Twitter Jesus) wannabees who can't stop tweeting bromides and what they consider "wisdom" because they have somehow figured it all out. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing they've figured out is how to be annoying on Twitter. Advice is everywhere. It's not just Twitter. Much of the advice is probably not even applicable to you or your circumstances.

Sooner or later, it's time to stop reading all the books and paying for courses that you don't finish and searching for the one magical secret that is going to change things. There is no magical secret or advice.

If you are brand new to a topic or field of interest, by all means, learn all you can. I'm not advocating ignorance. I'm simply saying it's time to stop listening, stop scrolling, stop retweeting, and start doing.

I don't pay attention to people who have advice on how to be a better writer. I don't pay attention to diet advice. I don't care about your method of productivity or your way of creating habits.

If I'm looking for advice, I'll find it, but once I've locked in on what works for me, no more advice. 

At a point after uni, I had to stop reading books, when I realized this.

But I'd still scroll Naval tho... LOOOL
2021-07-21 20:13:43
Exactly my sentiments! Thank you. I am not even on Twitter and I know exactly what you mean. 

That is why I had created the fear hacking journal. My hope was that it would focus on the doing aspect than the reading or listening of advice. More prompt. But for whatever reason, that journaling habit doesn't stick. 
2021-07-21 21:45:06