Although making the right chess move gave him more satisfaction, pondering his next life move touched him in a different way He also liked the fact that he could ponder with his hands bunched together on his lap rather than having to hover his hand over the chessboard. Plus wasn't life nothing but a game of chess?
It was for a billionaire investor thought leader. But maybe it wasn't so simple for the rest of the plebs. The millionaires who were barely able to afford keeping more than three generations of their families flush. And even less a game for the rest of the plebs poorer than the millionaires.
Or maybe... it was all a game for everyone. And it was simply the fact that they didn't know how to play that put them in their situations. Drowning. A smile came over his face as he thought about this. Behind him swooshed the the sliding door.
"Peter, I think you should come out here."
"I'm thinking."
"I wouldn't bug you if it weren't for the fact that it was serious."
Peter Thiel
groaned. And then with all his effort, more effort than that which would go into a 20 rep 225 pound squat he unhinged his fingers from each other and he walked away from his glass wall. Away from his thoughts.
"What is it, John?"
John Cena
brought Peter Thiel into an office with a 27 inch
. After two clicks a video of Peter Thiel was playing.
John Cena glanced over to see Peter Thiel beginning to begin to fume.
"Not this shit again. Get in touch with --"
"-- the one who got Gawker?"
Peter Thiel looked over at John Cena with a millimeter of sweat coating his face. He nodded without saying a word.