Three minutes without oxygen and you're dead. Fly too close to that time and your brain's toast.
Three days without water and you're done. I always wondered why and didn't just dehydrate their first murder to death?
Most people can go about 2 months without food.
After that everything becomes gray.
Smoking. It kills you, but when? Too many factors in play. Some people live past 100 smoking. No definitive answer.
Same with drinking.
Then there's the idea of people dying, walking around as NPC corpses. What kind of numbers do we have there? How many days of not doing what? When does someone die spiritually? Can one come back from a spiritual death? If so then why would it be called a spiritual death? Probably would just call it a spiritual depression.
spent 27 years in prison and came out stronger. People on lost millions after being accustomed to a penthouse and killed themselves. Two people at the cafe are both on s. One finds meaning in that portal, the other can't wait to get back to their family.
Three days without water and you're done. I always wondered why and didn't just dehydrate their first murder to death?
Most people can go about 2 months without food.
After that everything becomes gray.
Smoking. It kills you, but when? Too many factors in play. Some people live past 100 smoking. No definitive answer.
Same with drinking.
Then there's the idea of people dying, walking around as NPC corpses. What kind of numbers do we have there? How many days of not doing what? When does someone die spiritually? Can one come back from a spiritual death? If so then why would it be called a spiritual death? Probably would just call it a spiritual depression.
spent 27 years in prison and came out stronger. People on lost millions after being accustomed to a penthouse and killed themselves. Two people at the cafe are both on s. One finds meaning in that portal, the other can't wait to get back to their family.
Don't steal, don't lift
20 years of schoolin' and they put you on the day shift
Look out kid, they keep it all hid
have you heard? That people are looking into slowing down the brain metabolism to the point where it can go very long ( i think hours if i remember correctly) without oxygen.
You might wonder why they're doing that. It's because they think such interaction might lead to being able to preserve people's brains into the future.