He estimated his car to have burned around 5,300 gallons of
. This was based on the fact that it got 23 miles per gallon locally and 30
on the highway.
The odometer approached 135,000 miles. The visualization of that number provided some sense of joy. Like no matter what else he had done or not done in his life, he had at least gotten a vehicle to a respectable state of duty. If it were up to him, he'd ride that 2011
until the wheels fell off. He was sure that with his maintenance schedule on it that it could feasibly surpass 200 thousand miles.
But the world was shifting. Most of his friend were buying
electric vehicles
now. And that was fine, they could make their own decisions, but he wondered how long he had before it became antiquated to go to the
gas station
to pump fuel. When would it become impossible to operate an internal combustion car on a daily basis? Would it be a thing people do as a hobby on the weekends like they do with revamped old schools?
He thought back to pre 2008, when nobody had a smart phone. Then the
came out and by 2014 flip phones became a nostalgic artifact. After witnessing that dramatic adoption, he never underestimated how quickly people could adopt a new thing, and leave an old thing in the dust. Realistically he didn't think he'd get his Hyundai to 200 or even 185 thousand. Sooner or later he'd need to get an electric car... the future normal... out of practicality.