A screen booted on, just as the first coffee was coursing through his veins. Smooth jazz played in the back. It was like most mornings. The bosses check your mouse movements so you gotta get up in time, at least in time just to start everything and make it look like you're doing something. Maybe run some youtube out of a virtual machine. Anyways. Its not like this was his passion, he liked parts of it, but if he thought to hard it was kind of creepy. But his job wasn't really to watch them, just record broadly what they were doing. While they recorded everything, he lived far enough away to make it impossible to know them. Most of his time though he was thinking about music, or that thing he was working on. This wasn't his passion. The company he worked for did surveillance of other companies to improve their supply chain. His job was simply to record what the workers do. Most of the time they don't know he's there, once in awhile they figure it out, and they start throwing hand signs, and middle fingers. The ones he was watching lately just do the normal behaviors. All these though usually mean less productive. He didn't care much about what they did, but had to make it look like he did. He recorded 15 min working, 4 mine standing, and 10 min prepping. And that was almost thirty minutes of his time gone. Fuck. And just to watch a
. Just then Dave Brubeck came on the playlist, so he had to send a text to Will, just like in school.