Networking Twitter Eminem

Something about networking events makes you act different. Especially when around someone super successful. You start trying to think of interesting things to say. You begin feeling like the beginning lines of
's Lose Yourself. 

I've been around that rodeo enough now that I catch myself. You don't need to come up with some spectacular thing that's going to floor the person you're trying to impress. That's not how you impress people. Maybe in a TV show that's how it works, but in real life things like actual relationships take time. 

There's a lot of similarities between how we act on 
 and networking events. That's one good thing I like about writing here. Less of that. At least for me.
I noticed this dynamic too. When you notice it happening it's good to remind yourself that you're putting someone on a pedestal by digging yourself down in a hole. You don't wanna do that when you want to develop genuine relationships.

Doing the opposite is equally disadvantageous, being cocky, dismissive, infatuated etc. Now, I won't say I keep perfect composure every time but I try to ask question and just see who the person really is, apart from what I think about.
2021-10-13 12:58:10
"Trying to impress" is best done when you're not trying to hide anything, we are all poor at putting on facades... except Taylor Otwell


You've only told us what not to do, please how/ what do we do at a networking event?
2021-10-13 20:05:01
I really have no advice besides what 
 said lol. Wondering if he has anything to add ontop of his previous comment.
2021-10-13 21:33:48
Yea I'd actually like to add one thing. Reality is a simulation and it's pathetic to feel petty in your own life.
2021-10-13 22:46:44

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