body heat

being closed out as reply to See Alan

Abraham Kim
Imogen Howe body heat
After entering the townhouse neighborhood his foot became lighter. Almost instictually he knew to slow down. Not because he was scared of being pulled over but because he was near now. She was close. She had stopped. She was even out of her car by this point.

Marc Love drove slow....

heat as reply to Called Out

Abraham Kim
body heat Big Joe
The infared camera was Dave's favorite. When it was dark, the guy in there couldn't see shit. But Dave could see all of the guy. His heat.  body heat was an amazing thing. Something Dave took for granted until this job.

There were so many movie scenes he rememberd. Where a...

jared's therapist as reply to Man

Abraham Kim
coffee Espresso Royale Baker Ave. body heat espresso cappuccino cold showers Keurig
It was the first cold morning of the fall. The summer must be over for good, thought Carol as she tugged her shirt trying to keep warm. Usually she got hot easily. Was the one trying to turn the thermostat lower. But today she had not anticipated this chill. Had...

Abe's Blog
Blankets don't emit heat

body heat
I find blankets to be fascinating for the fact that they generate no heat. Any warmth you feel was generated solely from your body. It's beautiful that something that emits no heat is associated with warmth and protection. It took me several decades to figure out that the coziness of...