Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing All Night
She stood outside the  Seaside Rest listening to the rain fall. She imagined looking at herself from far away a little red light would be slowly flickering on and off. Like some fire fly.

She tossed the cigarette away and smashed it with her foot.

She breathed the smoke out...
Drew's Pantry
🍵 57 Teas
🍪 75 Cookies
🧇 68 Waffles
🍍 63 Pineapples
🥃 67 Whiskeys
🍫 73 Chocolate Bars
🍣 76 Sushis
☕️ 71 Coffees
🥓 76 Bacons
🍺 64 Beers
🥟 81 Dumplings
🍊 84 Tangerines
🥚 71 Eggs
🍓 66 Strawberries
🥩 58 Steaks
Short Stories

At the end of August I was traveling and entering a qualitatively different professional phase.

Thus I never wrote in my daily notebook. However I did keep up with my writing...


you on telegram?  drewbaca_  and I send each other async voice messages. Also we write together here lol. Trisha says that us writing together is an analogue to hte way...