Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing The Ceiling
He liked the diner, how it moved, and everything was together, in sync. Him and Dave had worked there for years, it was crazy, sometimes they didn't have to speak to each other, they just knew what the other one was saying, what the other was thinking. 

They had been...
Drew's Pantry
🍵 59 Teas
🍪 81 Cookies
🧇 74 Waffles
🍍 70 Pineapples
🥃 73 Whiskeys
🍫 87 Chocolate Bars
🍣 81 Sushis
☕️ 79 Coffees
🥓 85 Bacons
🍺 73 Beers
🥟 86 Dumplings
🍊 87 Tangerines
🥚 83 Eggs
🍓 76 Strawberries
🥩 66 Steaks
Short Stories

The Ceiling as reply to max eats dinner alone

He liked the diner, how it moved, and everything was together, in sync. Him and Dave had worked there for years, it was crazy, sometimes they didn't have to speak to each other, they just knew what the other one was saying, what the other was thinking. 

They had been...
2025-02-07 19:11:26

Cheese as reply to something other than american breakfast

He learned from another friend how to cook the pasta. Before he just boiled it 15 20 minutes it would go soft and then he’d just pour in a sauce. 

Now he had a method, 6 min timer then he’d check. The water was always salted and he kept some...
2025-02-06 23:31:17

He was Busy as reply to you're crazy, man

Max had changed. His license plate didn't even read Maxxx anymore, he changed it to a normal plate. Paying extra to have a national park pass. 

He didn't remember when it all happened, but something inside had changed. A deep something. Something sort of released, and then he didn't feel...
2025-02-05 20:27:58

Maybe as reply to johnny is confused

"You could go you know."

"But why? Why would it matter?"

"I mean if you're not here it can't happen."

"I think it still happens."

"But maybe it will be later."

"Maybe it will be sooner."

Then went back and forth like this for hours until she was finally tired enough to fall asleep. Sometimes when...
2025-02-04 18:15:23

Must Happen as reply to peep hole

It wasn't immediately apparent what she saw. Only that it answered some questions for her. Like how she would die, and when that would happen. 

What was left were questions. From the vision or portal or whatever, she could see that she wasn't much older than she was now. There...
2025-02-03 21:22:01

Find Her as reply to mckayla doesn't do birthdays

"Where do you usually dry your clothes?"

"Oh the drying rack its in the closet." Johnny replied. 

She opened the closet and found scattered everything things that looked like they should be recycled. With those she also saw a strange hunk of metal. She pulled it out and it accordian stretch...
2025-02-02 19:33:48

His Wounds as reply to mckayla doesn't do birthdays

McKayla slopped the wet laundry on Johnnys linoleum counter top. 

“Jesus fucking Christ I’m freezing. And did your fucking neighbor drink this?”

She went and got the bottle of whiskey. 

“This wasn’t fucking open when I bought it.”

Johnny was too busy tending to his wounds. Not that it was likely be...
2025-02-01 22:32:23

Same Now as reply to scrunching up

"Just so you guys know were closing in like 5 min." the pizza guy said. 

Johnny wasn't sure if he was Giorgio or if Giorgio was anyone. Just was happy someone broke the silence.

They looked silently at each other and then got up and left. McKayla almost didn't take her...
2025-01-31 17:46:24

His Deal as reply to that had to be the one, right?

It became something between them. With out mentioning it, she began to question whether it actually was. She wondered if this was how he felt. If he would just ignore it it would go away. 

It kept feeling like she was just waking up from a dream and the faded...
2025-01-30 21:39:53

Just Ranch as reply to the man in the red convertible drives by

In the reflection he saw the car. But something instinctual told him not to turn. Look ahead. Keep your head straight you’re not doing anything wrong. 

Part of him wanted to yell at McKayla “That’s  it, that’s the fucking car, it’s right there.”

Part of him just wanted her to see...
2025-01-29 21:57:45