Turned out that The British Singer's therapist was actually the same Argentinian therapist Fed used. Hilariously, it turned out that I was not living in
and instead was living in
this entire time. I was that therapist. "But what about all the nights we hung out?" I asked Fed. "You were on video chat, mate. I think you've just forgotten what it feels like to hang out in real life.
was tough for us all. Some of us more. Thanks for being such a great therapist." And Fed hung up on me just like that.
I didn't believe he thought I was a good therapist. He was still fucked up more than ever, and he had stopped showing up to our sessions. Now all he told me about was how he was going to try a new
technique or how he had just met an amazing person only to be disillusioned with them the following month. I for one was surprised to learn that I had not been in Berlin these past months at all. It had been very convincing. Spending all my time with these Berliners through the
, listening to their stories, I had really believed that it was me on the
. Me sticking my penis inside that one girl.
A fowl stench entered my nostrils. I looked down, finally taking my eyes off the screen. My god I was getting laid. I hadn't even known I was getting laid. And it was that girl. The girl I thought Andree had told me about who had pooped on his dick. But it was me... actually at that moment who was getting my dick lathered in poop.
"My goodness, what the hell are you doing?" I asked her. "And what's your name? I'm starving let's go for a meal."
But first we showered. I washed the poop off into the toilet using a wet wipe. And then when Sarah finally told me her name, I felt someone stabbing me in my back left side. It was extremely painful, but I didn't believe it was happening. This now must've been another simulation. I was just thinking it was happening to me. No I was probably somewhere else. Maybe I was in the Alps or something. I was no in this bathroom getting stabbed by who? Who was it. I finally overcame the pain and turned to see the face.
It was Fed.
"You told me." he snickered while driving the knife in deeper. "That I should do what I want. And so here I am. Doing what I want. How does it feel? You prick!"
"Fed... tell me. We're not actually in Argentina are we? This is just some kind of simulation right?"
"No, mate. You are going to die. And your parents will never hear about what happened to you."
"What? But why?"
"Because. I'm too fucked up to do anything else but do this to you. I'm going to bury my fucked upness with you."
I tried to see where Sarah was. But she wasn't there anymore. I fainted into black.
Then I awoke. To sounds of panting. What was happening? Was I back in Berlin. The panting grew louder and more frequent. A fowl smell entered my nostrils. I glanced back to see that I had pooped. It was Fed. He came into me then slid his poop covered penis out.
And that my friend, is exactly the delirious thing I like to read. One thing tho, nobody can poop in a simulation and that's how you know when you're in base reality, you take a poop. You see now it all makes sense, the girl who pooped on Andre's dick was interdimensionally lost, how else would she fuck with Andree, however in a moment of lucidity she took a poo to see if life was actually real life and it worked. To her disappointment she was involved in this coitus act for real. Without stretching the story further.. I'll get to the point. She told Andree about it. Then Andree said: I can't help you, maybe you should talk with my therapist, reaching for the phone 'looking a bit worried said : You must talk to HER." And passed the phone. She said:" Hi", he replied: "You pooped?" She answered: "Yes". worrried, he answered:" hold on a second, I must call my therapist" Worried, SHE waited patiently while Fed made the call... And, in that moment her phone started vibrating from under the bedsheets littered with poop. It was Fed. ! with a blant face, confused she looked at Andree who pointed to the phone. " Answer, it's for you " hesitantly she picked up the call, and listened. Suddently she uttered a scream and pooped again.