Because she coudln't find any info on
, she wrote about it in her
. Simple statements like "Spacecity... what is it. What do people do up there. Did people really live up in space for that long?"
That's what
Imogen Howe
did when she couldn't find information to something. She would write the information. They weren't facts. But writing something so that she could read it herself made it feel like she was learning something. Even if the information was made up.
She was tantalized by this Keith character. There wasn't much information on him. Not even a last name. All there was were a few quotes from him. Stuff about life. Coffee and schedules. The way he spoke, she wished she could have a conversation with him. He'd be the kind of guy who'd make a great regular at her cafe.
Then she paused for a moment. Her cafe. Her life back in
. It felt so far away now. What the hell was she doing out here?