A strange sound jolted him away. A door far away was opened and now he heard steps approach. Then stop. His heart was beating fast. If someone enters should he try to run, or attack. He was weak now. Very much so.
Instead the footsteps just stayed there. Like they were on their phone or something. Keith wanted to yell.
"Please help me."
But what if they were only going to open the door if he was uncnscious, or maybe they were the clean-up crew.
None of these things he had answered, the footsteps faded back away from the door and he heard the sound of the other door, and then back to silence.
The adrenaline kept him awake until it didn't and he drifted back to others worlds.
Imogen Howe
paid a visit to her old friend. Calvin, hadn't seen him since High School, graduation maybe. He was a cop. She had a plan, report Keith missing, say he was here, now was gone so they'd have to put out a search, maybe alert his county. She was practicing what she would say when she saw him.
"Oh my god I haven't seen you in years, look at that uniform." She said. She took her wedding ring off.