After the diner Calvin went for a drive. Thought about what
Imogen Howe
had told him. A man named Keith has been missing for three days. He lives in California. She's not sure if that's where he was born or lived his whole life though. But he has been up to
Calvin knew about Spacecity only because he had an uncle who went up there. He didn't seem to have anything good to say. Nothing bad either.
What was Keith's last name? Imogen did not know. She had blushed. Calvin had tried to make her feel more comfortable. Make her think it wasn't strange that she had this relationship with someone who she didn't know these basic details of.
That had been Calvin trying to assuage her. Now he was with his own feelings out on the road. Just him, the car, and the radio. What kind of woman had an affair with a man she knew this little about? He knew she was married. Had heard about it through the grapevine. She seemed to either be done with that marriage or hiding it. Because she didn't have a ring on at the diner.
He was nice and full. perfectly caffeinated. And he was working through this mystery in his head. If he could keep feeling this way forever he wouldn't mind driving like this in perpetuity.
But he would eventually get hungry. Or thirsty. Or have to go to the bathroom. Or he'd get sick of thinking about this thing. Life didn't stay still.
was in fact the constant change and passing of
So he headed back home. The first thing he did upon arrival was to go to the bathroom and take a piss.
. Interesting he thought. Had it been that long since he'd eaten any asparagus? Because his last memory of smelling his piss like this was way back in college.