
blayne smokes pot as reply to Could Do

Abraham Kim
Holmes Hall weed
Was his name Blayne? Or was it Blain? Nobody knew. Why'd it matter? Danny would say.

Danny always had a cool demeanor. The kids on Blayne's floor loved that. Always would be asking when Danny would be coming back.

Blayne liked it too. because now the floor hung out with him. but...

tight as reply to The Theory

Abraham Kim
Spacecity beer weed Westcity electricity poop
electricity was free up here. They had solar panels facing straight out into the sun. And boy did the station eat up a lot of juice. So many computers and appliances everywhere. And the whole infrastructure that allows people to survive inside of  Spacecity . the mechanism that taks the...

breathe, though as reply to a bold move

Abraham Kim
water smoking weed teeth Apartment rent reddit cotton mouth
George got up. A glass of water was needed. The group of young college students had finished smoking a bowl 15 minutes ago. Smoking weed without fail gave George an insatiable thirst. First it was the dry mouth feeling. cotton mouth they called it. To combat cotton mouth he would...

Chuck: WFH

Youtube weed
Chuck woke up that day and checked his computer. He saw a friend from back home post "Your network is your networth". Lazily he checked the various apps, like leafing through a magazine, he appeared in 20 searches that week, and he was getting noticed. He laughed at the thought....

white collar as reply to 24/7

Abraham Kim
weed McDonalds drunk driving white collar surveillance
The company had a policy around employees smoking weed . It was allowed so long as nobody proved that they were smoking it on the job. The company didn't find that it inhibited their employees at all given that their tasks were so simple. Plus it made hiring easier. Word...


weed Flint Juno
That day he arrived early. He searched his car for a little weed , he said he'd bring it for the others so they could make their shifts interesting. When he finally found the small bag. A tap on the door startled him.

"No rush today Juno "

They called him...

times have changed the way we view things

Wednesday winter break river Nintendo college weed Thanksgiving bridge video games Super Smash Bros. ex
Once it was not so late, but it felt like night, on a Wednesday during the purgatory between Thanksgiving and  winter break , when the semester was still technically ongoing, but everybody had already begun studying for finals.

I hadn't realized how early the nights came until crossing that bridge. I...


September beer weed college quarter ounce 30 pack liquor stores discounts pyramid scheme middle school trade eighth
I had saved a hundred dollars for the final weekend of September . The plan was to buy a  quarter ounce for around 70 and then a  30 pack for a little over 20. The little extra left over was just a buffer. Some  liquor stores charged you more for ...

PO Box 915
at the park as reply to An old friend

Abraham Kim
weed Lana Del Rey
He couldn't remember the last time he had bought  weed . Smoking wasn't something he did alone. It was always just a way to get closer to other people. Or maybe that was the reason initially when getting high was a big social thing that connected people. But these days...