memory memory experience

The only thing that is real is the present. Yesterday and tomorrow are just imaginations. 

We sometimes forget this fact because we think our memory is infalliable.

But even when we do remember something 'accurately' it is still something being remembered rather than experienced.

Some might argue that 
is an 
Memory is not an experience by any means. I think what may be experienced is an emotion relative to that particular memory that is recalled.
2022-05-06 14:04:57

memory (n.)

late 13c., "recollection (of someone or something); remembrance, awareness or consciousness (of someone or something)," also "fame, renown, reputation;" from Anglo-French memorie (Old French memoire, 11c., "mind, memory, remembrance; memorial, record") and directly from Latin memoria "memory, remembrance, faculty of remembering," abstract noun from memor "mindful, remembering," from PIE root *(s)mer- (1) "to remember."

2022-05-06 14:05:51
Too close to something that would appear in the Church of Twitter. Need more substance instead of a quick dabble on this topic.
2022-05-06 15:09:37

Abe's Blog