Responding to drewbaca_'s comment invigorated me to write this. Because I'm actually off on a trip soon to
Mammoth Cave
and so was going to write later once I was back. But reading his comment beckoned a comment from me. And writing that made me fueled up to write this!
You don't pick up your date at the bar/party/[insert-any-other-location-you-meet-people]
A lot of guys think they can strategize in the moment to get a date. They have to think of the right thing to say. Wear the right thing. Have watched the correct
series. You have to act like you're listening and be smooth in the way you speak. And touch your hair -- if you have hair -- in just the right way at the right time as you nod your head.
But you don't earn a date at the bar or party. You earn it from going to bed early and keeping your hormones in check. You earn it when you eat properly so you're healthy. You earn it when you exercise. You earn it when you meet diverse people and foster both your curiosity and knowledge. You earn it when you practice discipline and stick with a craft so you can witness what greatness is and how far you actually are from the absolute form of it.
You don't earn the date at the party. You earn it with your life. Live a good one.