Growing up I frequently heard people derisively describe Picasso's later paintings as things kids could've created. I also thought this of his later paintings but I never downplayed Pablo himself because I knew he wasn't a fluke. His early works featured photorealistic drawings of human hands, this is the type of evidence that will always convince someone who doesn't know anything about art -- me -- that someone is a good artist.
On my walk yesterday I thought about how I was now writing in two different places. I write here and also I send out a daily email thread. Old school, just straight out of my
... no
or nothing. And I send it as a thread hoping that the people on there will chime in -- there's about six guys on there, GabrielGreco being one of them.
My goal with that writing is to get people who've stated they want to write fiction to write it... except for seun... I just stuck him on there because one day he didn't make it to writing a post and I thought it would be helpful for him to see the grittier side of my writing.
Yes the styles of my writing here on
vs those emails are completely different. I write more like I speak on the emails. It's all over the place, there's a lot of cursing, and the natural reading pace is much quicker.
While walking I thought how one day my writing styles would converge. As in I would like to professionally produce the more conversational styled writing I do... as in I will drop this shell of writing I do on Adagia where I try to fit more of the standards of
I see in literature and the internet, and become just me. An irreplaceable source of text that could've only come from Abe.
Why don't I make this transition just yet? Because, even though I'm comfortable writing off the cuff like that in an email to those people, I know from a competency standpoint, I don't have what it takes yet to write like that in the open. I haven't mastered that craft.
Have I mastered writing like this? In the more standard manner? Not at all. But to follow rules you don't need to have mastery. You only need that when you're breaking them. So I'll hone that craft in the dark, and one day my writing will be more and more like I speak. And by then people will think... ANY JACKASS COULD WRITE LIKE THAT. HE WRITES LIKES SOMEONE YELLING AT A BAR.
Interesting post Sir Abe. Your posts are bordering on philosophy and I have to read a lot of your writing more than once a lot lately.
But to follow rules you don't need to have mastery. You only need that when you're breaking them.
I don't know if I agree with this though. I think about my writing drafts. The first draft - where I write like I talk - is the easiest for me. But then draft 2, 3, 4 is about trimming, using better words, trying and trying to add humor... that is hard and takes time.
I see value in constraints and find them worth chasing in things I do. You were right when you said that I like constraints.
When it comes to creativity, is it mastery when you can talk at a bar like when you are in flow and write a masterpiece? Or like a comedian - who can make you laugh with a rehearsed stand-up piece and also in a casual conversation. Not sure.
keni if you need to reread these posts then the philosophy isn't the reason but my poor writing. I apologize for that, in the future I'll revisit these ideas and hopefully write them more clearly.
When someone is not a master, they're most better off following conventions. This will help them hone their craft.
Pablo Picasso
learned how to draw realistically before he experimented more surreal stuff. I link this to how i am approaching writing.
Hope that clairifies. Let me know if still unclear.
therealbrandonwilson wow! First time I received a gift from you. I know you're not hte audience for pineapples, but I'm still grateful for receiving it from you.
But to follow rules you don't need to have mastery. You only need that when you're breaking them.
I don't know if I agree with this though. I think about my writing drafts. The first draft - where I write like I talk - is the easiest for me. But then draft 2, 3, 4 is about trimming, using better words, trying and trying to add humor... that is hard and takes time.
I see value in constraints and find them worth chasing in things I do. You were right when you said that I like constraints.
When it comes to creativity, is it mastery when you can talk at a bar like when you are in flow and write a masterpiece? Or like a comedian - who can make you laugh with a rehearsed stand-up piece and also in a casual conversation. Not sure.
When someone is not a master, they're most better off following conventions. This will help them hone their craft.
Hope that clairifies. Let me know if still unclear.
I'll forward you one of the emails.