
the decision to leave as reply to Competition

Abraham Kim
family heartbeat Churchill Hitler
"Gotta get your rest" he had told the kid. But really he was talking to himself. He hated doing this. Saying things he was saying to himself to others. Not having a  family made it easy to get away with this behavior.

When you didn't have people you spoke with regularly,...

eventually as reply to Toast and Coffee

Abraham Kim
reddit family celebrity cash
Marc Love resented being a celebrity. But he was grateful that he was an unknown celebrity .

Had the world known him to be the Blue Man, there would be troops of speculators on  reddit commenting about his personal life. Love sat there smoking a cigarette, his ass on concrete thinking...

his time as reply to What was his name?

Abraham Kim
Andrew arrived at the school with all the evidence needed to prove who the shooter was. Andrew was excited. He didn't have any  family . This would be the one thing he left behind. The one thing he would do to make his life worth it.

He imagined the town thanking...

cloud town as reply to Cloud Factory

Abraham Kim
home time family cloud factory
Will came  home rarely. Rarely enough he questioned why he still called it home.  time was moving fast now. When he found a moment to recount what had happened in the years that had zinged by he would realize that he had spent hardly any of it at home. Hardly...

finally as reply to The man in the suit

Abraham Kim
life family spiteful
Growing up Blue never imagined what it would be like to lose somebody. By the time it hit him, he had lost three.

Growing up all he could imagine was how someone was wronging him. How the other person could be doing better. He spent a lot of time being  spiteful...
Lmao. I don't think the people who spend all night doing that in service of their companies last long. They'll eventually become normal salary men unwilling to put in any extra hours since they know they are unappreciated.

Now the people who do continue to spend their nights learning about Oracle or another easy to understand thingie they are driven by something else. This is not me saying that something else is good or bad or important or unimportant. Just pointing out that nobody stays up late nights to service their corporations long term unless they somehow eventually become valued more than a tiny 

I do find 
to be the most important thing. I believe it's easy to sardonically laugh at people who say 'family is most important' but still spend most of their waking hours on other things...

i can't speak on their behalf but i have a feeling that i'm a fractal of the common-man... as in how i operate is how the average person operates. so i'll share how i operate to imply that i think this is what's going on with other people even though i just said i can't speak on their behalf lol.

I have a desire to improve. To improve requires resources. These resources may be skills or capital or social.

I understand that improvement here is completely subjective. I understand that my sense of improvement can come at the cost of macro destruction etc etc.

This desire to improve has been seeded by my desire to be a part of a family. Thus I desire to improve because i want to be an important member of a family.

Why do i want family? It's the only thing that matters to me. I don't mean family literally here. I like 
Seth Godin
's definition of family here:

"Family is the people when you need them they can't say no"

And the reason I think family is important is because of two things but let me start with the one that i think will resonate more with you.

1. Whenever i read a good story (novel/novella/short story) the keystone moments they capture are never about someone detaching from their humanity and buying their way out of inconvenience by paying the neo liberal machine. the stories always feature some situation when a change happens and it affects the character and their 'family'. they might be escaping an old family... or arriving at a realization about their old family. they might be finding a new family. or maybe they are realizing they have no family at all.

2. When you have no immediate health concerns the need for family might seem weak. Just a month ago I thought this too. Once you let's say face some life threatening or disabling disease straight on you realize that you might not just be able to buy your way out of this. 

To summarize I believe that family is what we'll seek when we face death head on. People who forget that they will die might stray away from family and think that it's intellelctual or stimulation they want forever.

But every single person on their death bed wants one thing. Just a matter of whether you want to accept that now or later.
Abraham Kim

Flash Fiction Practice
An offer impossible to refuse

Outlook email fate family LinkedIn cubicles
They offered a deal she couldn't refuse. And this was precisely why she died so unhappy.

But you couldn't blame her... seeing as it was indeed an offer impossible to refuse. So in fact her fate was sealed... the moment the offer was given.

I remember not knowing what to say...