Daniel Miller @dealingwith


Daniel Miller last shared their writing

Daniel Miller wrote a private post

Daniel's Pantry
🍫 10 Chocolate Bars
🍍 18 Pineapples
🍵 10 Teas
🍓 11 Strawberries
🧇 11 Waffles
🥟 15 Dumplings
🥚 9 Eggs
🍣 13 Sushis
🥓 10 Bacons
🍪 11 Cookies
🥃 8 Whiskeys
🥩 11 Steaks
🍊 11 Tangerines
🍺 8 Beers
☕️ 4 Coffees
Parkinson's Law

Few months back, dealingwith and I had a chat on tools/workflows. He recommended some thought leaders including https://svpg.com/articles/ and John Cutler

Interesting notes: 

-> I recently cleaned out most of my...

Day 1

WOW - the whole gang is here and active. Well done Sir Abe. Thank you all for the warm welcome. Still fiddling around to understand how this works but I...