Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing To Be Early
It would be like, he looked at his watch, two hours until she got there. The sun was already setting, and it cast everything in orange. He was hopeful. Don't ask him why, just he had a feeling that all the bad shit in his life was over. He knew...
Drew's Pantry
🍵 46 Teas
🍪 67 Cookies
🧇 63 Waffles
🍍 57 Pineapples
🥃 54 Whiskeys
🍫 64 Chocolate Bars
🍣 65 Sushis
☕️ 64 Coffees
🥓 62 Bacons
🍺 56 Beers
🥟 68 Dumplings
🍊 69 Tangerines
🥚 62 Eggs
🍓 51 Strawberries
🥩 48 Steaks
Playing Chess

therealbrandonwilson okay now you should only get one notification. : )

Damn drewbaca_ thought you were playing with BillStockham in real life or something. Or some other Cambridgians. I figured...